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About Us

Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL) has set up a Petrochemical Complex at Lepetkata. The complex is spread over 3000 Bighas of land at Lepetkata, and is situated at approximately 15 Kilometres away from the Tea City Dibrugarh, Assam.BCPL PlantBCPL Plant M/s Engineers India Limited (EIL) was the Engineering and Project Management Consultant for this prestigious project. The plant came as a part of the historic Assam Accord signed on 15th August, 1985 with the motive of overall socio-economic development of the region. It was approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 18th April, 2006. Subsequently a Joint Venture Company, BCPL, was incorporated on 08th January, 2007 as a Central Public Sector Enterprise under the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers , Govt. of India. Dr. Manmohan Singh, Honourable Prime Minister of India laid the foundation stone of this project on 9th April, 2007 . Shareholders : GAIL, Oil India, NRL, Assam Govt.GAIL (India) Limited is the main promoter having 70% of equity participation and the rest 30% is equally shared by Oil India Ltd (OIL), Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL) and Government of Assam.The plant was successfully commissioned on 2nd January 2016 and Hon’ble Prime Minister, Narendra Modi dedicated BCPL Petrochemical Complex to the Nation on 5th Feb’2016. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs on 24th December, 2019 approved the transfer of administrative control of BCPL from Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers to Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. BCPL comprises of four work stations i.e. GDU Duliajan where Feed Natural Gas is received from M/s. Oil India Limited, Railway Siding where Naphtha received from M/s. NRL is unloaded, Lakwa GSU Cum C2+ Hydro Carbon Recovery Unit where Feed Natural Gas supplied by M/s. ONGC is processed and The Main Petrochemical Complex at Lepetkata, Dibrugarh where Polymers are being produced after processing the feed stocks. Gas Dehydration and Compressor at Duliajan and Natural Gas Sweetening Unit Cum C2+ Recovery Section at Lakwa are approx. 48 Kms away from Lepetkata Main complex. The principal end products of the complex are High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) and Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE) totalling 2, 20,000 Tonnes per Annum (TPA) and 60,000 TPA of Poly-Propylene (PP). The other products include Hydrogenated Pyrolysis Gasoline and Pyrolysis Fuel Oil. Technologies in BCPL Cracker Unit is based on the technology licensed by Lummus, USA. It is a dual feed cracker with C2+ liquid and naphtha as feed stock. The unit is designed to produce 2, 20,000 TPA of polymer grade Ethylene and 60,000 TPA of polymer grade of Propylene. LLDPE/HDPE Swing unit is based on gas phase process technology which is licenced by INEOS Technology, UK. This technology can manufacture Polyethylene grades having MI value in the range of 0.05 to 21.0 g/10 min and density value in the range of 0.920 to 0.960 g/cc. Poly-Propylene Plant is based on Gas Phase Lummus Novolen Technology GmbH (NTH), Germany. It is designed to produce 60,000 TPA of various grades of polypropylene. The product range of the PP plant covers various grades of homopolymer and random copolymer manufactured by gas phase polymerisation in one vertically stirred bed reactor. BCPL has entered into an agreement with GAIL (India) Limited for marketing of its products.

Vision -
To emerge as a dominant petrochemical player in the northeast region, providing value to stakeholders, offering best-inclass products & services, contributing to economic growth while remaining environmentally conscious.
Mission -
To establish significant presence in the north-east region in petrochemical sector by way of production / sourcing and marketing of quality products, deploying efficient distribution and marketing channels to cater to the needs of target customers. Objective -
To produce petrochemical products using natural gas, naphtha or any petroleum products as feedstock and devise an effective distribution system for the same in North-east region of India. To develop market for petrochemical products, mainly in North-east region of the country. To relentlessly strive to exceed the expectations of the customers in delivering quality products through use of state of the art technologies and implementation of best practices in the areas of operations, safety, health and environment.

Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited is poised to emerge as dominant player in the field of Petrochemicals. Situated in Dibrugarh district, amidst lush tea gardens and the mighty river Brahmaputra flowing by the north bank of the town, the Petrochemical Complex is rooted in history of the state as the project is an outcome of the 1985 Assam Accord, aiming at the socio economic development of the entire North Eastern Region. Chronology of Events at a glance:
October 2023
Shri Pranjal Changmai assumed charges as 5th Managing Director of BCPL .
February 2020
01st February
Shri Reep Hazarika took charge as 4th Managing Director of BCPL. December 2019
24th December
The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the transfer of administrative control of BCPL from Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers to Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas. The Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs approved the feedstock subsidy to BCPL for 15 years of plant operation at an estimated cost of Rs. 4600 crores.
September 2019
19th September
Foundation Stone of HPG (2nd Stage) Plant laid by Hon’ble Union Minister of Chemicals and Fertilizers.
August 2017
100 % Capacity Utilization achieved for the 1st time with Polymer Production of 22,746 MT.
December 2016
4th December
GSU/C2+ Recovery Unit at Lakwa commissioned. Highest monthly polymer despatched (14066 MT).
November 2016
ECU achieved 72 hours test run at 100 % Design Load. Utility Boiler-II commissioned at Captive Power Plant.
August 2016
PPU achieved 72 hours test run at 100% Design Load. LLDPE/HDPE plant achieved 72 hours test run at 100% Design Load.
July 2016
14th July
Shri A K Singh took charge as 3rd Managing Director of BCPL.
June 2016
30th June
RCE-II approved by Ministry for Rs. 9965 Crore.
March 2016
11th March
Agreement signed with GAIL for marketing of BCPL Products and By-products.
February 2016
5th February
Dedication of BCPL Plant to the Nation by Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi.
21st February
Successful run of LLDPE (Film Grade LL0220) for the 1st time at 100% Design Load.
January 2016
2nd January
With the commissioning of LLDPE/HDPE Unit, commissioning of entire Lepetkata Complex achieved.
November 2015
25th November
ECU commissioned.
August 2015
Railway Siding Unit commissioned.
30th August
First Naphtha rake received from NRL and unloaded at Lepetkata.
June 2015
GSU/C2+ Recovery unit and PPU commissioned. 1st invoicing of PP by BCPL.
April 2015
GAIL Lakwa plant taken over by BCPL.
March-April 2015
Bagging and Palletizing Units commissioned.
Year 2014
Civil and structural works for the entire plant completed.
16th October :
Administrative Building inaugurated at Lepetkata. March Hydrocarbon charged at GDU, Duliajan and subsequently gas brought up to the battery limit of Petrochemical Complex, Lepetkata. Commissioning of following units achieved: Rich Gas and Lean Gas pipeline: Duliajan- Lepetkata – Duliajan. Gas Turbine Generator-I with Heat Recovery Steam Generator-I & Utility Boiler-I at Captive Power Plant. Plant Air, Instrument Air, Nitrogen Plant, Cooling Tower-I & II, Raw Water Treatment Plant and Demineralized Water Plant. BCPL received CRISIL A+/Stable credit rating. Revised financial closure achieved by closure of loan with Punjab National Bank (PNB) led consortium and loan agreement signed with State Bank of India ( SBI) for Rs. 1699 Crore. Year 2013 Pre-commissioning/commissioning activities started in Gas Dehydration Unit (GDU) Duliajan, Utilities & Offsite and GSU, Lepetkata.
Recruitment of 1st Batch of Non-Management Cadre employees.
Main Electrical Substation (SS-I) charged.
Year 2012
Ordering completed for all Equipment, Machineries and Works.
11th January
Shri P N Prasad took charge as 2nd Managing Director of BCPL.
Year 2011
Ordering completed for all the long lead/ critical items.
16th November
Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) approved Revised Project Cost Estimate (RCE-I).
Induction of CISF contingent at BCPL, Lepetkata.
Year 2010
Construction of Bachelor Hostel-I & Guest House at BCPL Township and CISF Barracks & Armoury at CISF Township completed.
Naphtha Sale & Supply Agreement signed with NRL.
Loan agreement signed with Oil Industrial Development Board (OIDB).
Year 2009
9th December
Shri J K Singh Teotia took charge as 1st Managing Director of BCPL.
Commencement of field Construction jobs.
Recruitment of 1st Batch of Graduate Engineer Trainees and Executive Trainees through open recruitment process. License Agreement signed with the Licensors for ECU, LLDPE/HDPE & PP Units.
M/s Lummus, USA appointed as licensor for Ethylene Cracker Unit (ECU).
Year 2008
2nd September
M/s Lummus Novolen, Germany and M/s INEOS, UK appointed as licensors for Polypropylene Unit (PPU) and Linear Low Density Polyethylene (LLDPE)/High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Unit respectively. 22nd July Land acquisition completed for BCPL Plant, BCPL Township and CISF Township.
Year 2007
15th October
Gas Supply Agreement signed with ONGC.
19th September
Gas Supply Agreement signed with OIL.
12th September
Commencement of Business certificate issued.
10th September
Engineers India Limited appointed as Engineering & Project Management Consultant.
9th April
Foundation Stone of BCPL laid by then Hon’ble, Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh at Lepetkata, Assam.
1st February
1st Board meeting of BCPL held in New Delhi.
8th January
Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited (BCPL) incorporated as a Joint Venture (JV) company.

Leading the Organisation towards SUCCESS -
DR. Lakshmanan S, IAS Secretary to Government of Assam, Industries & Commerce Department Director
Shri Bikram Kairi, IAS District Commissioner, Dibrugarh Director
SHRI RAKESH MISHRA Deputy Secretary Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas Government Nominee Director
SHRI BHASKAR JYOTI PHUKAN Managing Director Numaligarh Refinery Limited Director
SHRI PANKAJ KUMAR GOSWAMI Director (Operations) Oil India Limited Director
SHRI A K NASKAR Executive Director (PC-CO) GAIL Director
SHRI VIKAS GUPTA Executive Director (HR) GAIL Director
SMT MEENAXEE P MEDHI Chief General Manager (Marketing - PC) GAIL Director
DR. RAMAN KUMAR TRIVEDI Professor,Department of Aquatic Environment Management W.B.University of Animal & Fishery Sciences Independent Director

GAIL (India) Limited is the main promoter having 70% of equity participation
OIL having 10% share and ONGC will supply Natural Gas
With a 10% share, NRL will supplyNaphtha
Govt. Of Assam -
Having a 10% share ,Govt Of Assam has provided us with extensive support

IMS Policy
We, at BCPL, are committed to provide continual improvement in Quality, Environment and Occupational Health & Safety management system practices and performances in line with BCPL’s Vision & Mission.
BCPL is devoted to deliver best in class products, value added services to achieve total customer satisfaction and is equally sensitive to protection of the environment by prevention of pollution, work related injury & ill health. We are committed to provide safe and healthy working conditions for all stakeholders by reducing OH&S risks by eliminating OH&S Hazards and adhering to all applicable legal and other requirements that relate to Occupational Health & Safety Hazards by active employee participation & consultation. BCPL is equally sensitive to protect environment through sustainable development activities.
This policy is communicated to all employees and any other person working for or on behalf of BCPL. This policy will be communicated to all interested parties, including the public upon reasonable request.
Rev. Date: 05.10.2020 Rev. No. 03
IMS Policy Rev. No. 3
Original ISO 9001 2015 Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited A Government of India Enterprise
Original ISO 14001 2015 Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited A Government of India Enterprise
Original ISO 45001 2018 Brahmaputra Cracker and Polymer Limited A Government of India Enterprise